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Alex Silva

7 Most Common Reasons Why Businesses Fail

If you are an entrepreneur, you’ve probably wondered why so many businesses fail. According to the National Small Business Association, only 50% of businesses survive for more than 10 years. There are so many moving parts and a constant struggle to stay on track. You might even surprise yourself! If you feel that you lack

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Alex Silva

Why the Stock Market Will Always Go Up in the Long Term

Inflation, population growth, and optimism are all reasons that the stock market goes up. This article focuses on the latter. If you’re unsure as to what is driving the market, consider these other factors: 1) Population Growth It is widely accepted that populations increase and fall. This is true for both the United States and

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Alex Silva

Fundamental Analysis- Criteria for Choosing a Great Company

1) Consistently Increasing Cash Flow from operations When valuing a company, the first step is determining the cash flow from operations of the company. To do this, divide the trailing 12-month cash flow by the number of shares outstanding. This calculation should give you a rough idea of the operating cash flow per share. If

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Alex Silva

The Importance of a Global Tax Strategy – Saving in Taxes

A comprehensive Global Tax Strategy is an essential part of any business’s overall tax planning and compliance strategy. These strategies address the various areas of compliance and risk and automate processes while achieving total transparency. This article will discuss the various aspects of tax planning and compliance, including the Principles of Arm’s length pricing and

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Alex Silva

A Newbie’s Guide to Wealth Creation (2022 Edition)

If you’re a newbie to money, there are a few things you should know before you begin. First, a wealth mindset must be developed. Once you establish that mindset, you can focus on creating your wealth. 1) Money Beliefs Developing a wealth-creating strategy is based on understanding your underlying money beliefs. Money worshipers believe that

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Alex Silva

How to Measure Employee Productivity

Employee productivity can simply be defined as the amount of useful work (result) they produce in a given period of time. Labor productivity is the amount of work that an employee can perform in a given period of time. If an employee can complete a large amount of work in a short period of time

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Understanding Financial Statements: The Cashflow Statement

Financial documents needed to run your business, financial statements show the inflows and outflows of your company’s money over a specific period, called a reporting period. A cash flow statement shows how your company’s cash position has changed over time, so you can assess your company’s current financial health and set goals for the future.

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Alex Silva

How Much Should I Save?

What should you be saving? The answer depends on your goals. Do you want to pay off debt, start a retirement fund, or save for emergencies? The timeframe for these goals also matters. Saving money for retirement will help you achieve your financial goals faster. Here are some tips: Pay yourself first While paying yourself

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Alex Silva

Hard Work -Versus- Smart Work

While working hard and working smart are completely different approaches, ideally you can find a balance between the two approaches while achieving your goals. Comparing hard work to smart work can help you determine which approach is best when it comes to achieving your business goals.   Without hard work, you will not be able to

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